Trick Shot

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A simple tool able to predict the flight of a projectile including bounces and to "fire" that projectile for you. Simply attach this to your "emitter" e.g. the point of origin for your projectile and this tool does the rest.


namespace HeathenEngineering.PhysKit;


Available for 3D Physics

public class TrickShot : MonoBehaviour

And for 2D Physics

public class TrickShot2D : MonoBehaviour

Fields and Attributes


public float speed;

The speed of the projectile to be used


public float radius;

The radius of the projectiles body to be used


For 3D

public BallisticPathFollow template;

For 2D

public BallisticPathFollow2D template;

The projectile template to be spawned when the Shot method is called.


public float resolution;

The distance between each step to be calculated there is no reason for this to be any smaller than speed multiplied by the average frame time and is generally best served as speed * fixed delta


public float distance;

The max distance the trajectory will be calculated for. This is arc distance not linear distance.


public LayerMask collisionLayers;

What layers should be tested for collisions


public int bounces;

How many times should the projectile be permitted to bounce before the calculation is ended.


public float bounceDamping;

This is how much energy will be lost for each bounce and is similar to Unity's "bounciness" values in the Physical Material and Physical Material 2D. For example if you set a "bounciness" of .8 then you would use a "bounceDamping" of .2 meaning 20% of the energy is lost on each impact.


public bool distanceIsTotalLength;

Should the distance be measured as arc length from the start or should it be considered for each bounce independently.


For 3D

public List<BallisticPath> prediction;

For 2D

public List<BallisticPath2D> prediction;

This is the resulting path predicted by the tool. each entry in the list represents 1 "segment" aka "path" where a segment is "bounce to bounce" thus if you have 2 entries then there was at least 1 bounce.



public bool Aim(Vector2 target)

Aims the transform at the target using the low angle considering the gravity defined for the Physics system, the speed of the projectile and desired input target. This does not assure the target will be hit in that the target may be out of range or some object in the path.


public bool AimHigh(Vector2 target)

Aims the transform at the target using the high angle considering the gravity defined for the Physics system, the speed of the projectile and desired input target. This does not assure the target will be hit in that the target may be out of range or some object in the path.


public void Predict()

Updates the prediction based on the current settings.


public void Shoot()

Instantiates the template and sets it on the current predicted path.

Last updated